Over 50% of all manufactured goods involve some amount of welding. For example, there are approximately 5,000 welds in the fabrication of an automobile. One of the primary economic issues facing African countries includes the trade imbalance as illustrated below.
Primary commodities account for more than 70% of Africa’s exports. Commodities leave the content to other parts of the world where useful things are made from the commodities, then are imported back as manufactured goods. African Leaders are widely recognizing the missed opportunities to expand home country manufacturing and are gradually taking steps to change the situation. Let me now explain how mining, metals and manufacturing evolved in the United States to illustrate an example of the industrialization process.
We see that governments in East Africa are taking important steps toward industrializing their economies for the benefit of their people. Two examples are in Kenya, where the leaders have embarked on an industrial park strategy, and in Tanzania, similar efforts are underway with the planned Bagamoyo Port Project and other industrial developments. A critical question is, what skills are needed to make these strategies successful? Industrial welding is one of those key skills.
Today's robotic welding machines are highly advanced with intelligence, making auto manufacturing even more efficient. Over 50% of manufacturing involves some welding. Not just the auto industry, but 50% of all manufacturing in general requires some form of welding and metal joining.